
Updates & New Features

The lastest ixkio product features and updates.

07 August 2023
New Assignment And Encode Monitoring Tool

To allow for better management of multi-user Assignment or Encoding via the mobile Apps, we've added Assignment and Monitoring screens. These screens provide a near realtime display of the current system wide Assignment and Encoding activity with a breakdown of Tag Codes, Users and relevant batches. 

31 July 2023
Advanced Event Logging Is Live

All changes associated with Tag Codes, Batches, Tag Groups, Folders and users now started to be logged and displayed.

17 July 2023
Assignment Now Available Across Multiple Users

Assignment is now available across multiple users for large scale simultaneous Assignment.

07 July 2023
Multiuser Groups Now Available

In response to customer requests for more control over multiuser environments, we've not added User Groups. User Groups allow sets of users to be managed together including access to the Console, Tag Check and Locus. 

30 June 2023
Geo And Device Stats Live On Tag Scans

It's now possible to download statistics of each Tag Scan including country, browser and operating system.

14 June 2023
Assignment Now Available On Flex Plans

Users on our Flex Plans are now able to assign tags by scanning the tag. This can either change the status of the tags or move a tag to a different location, such as a different batch.

05 June 2023
Custom Domain Now Available On All Flex Plans

You can now add your own domain name to your ixkio plan so tags can be encoded with your brand.
Ixkio are the only NFC Tag Management Software to provide this!

26 May 2023
Tag Defaults Available On Lite Plan.

Create a default URL link across all your tags and/or modify the dynamic link on each Tag separately.
This will save time as you no longer need to add the same link to every Tag.


15 May 2023
Increased Default Allowances On All Plans

All user plans now have a higher number of included Tag Codes.
If these default allowances are not enough, you can purchase additional Tag Code Packages that will be added to your plan.

02 May 2023
New Stats Graphs At Tag Level

It is now possible to download statistics in a graph for an individual tag. This download will be in a CSV file. 
These statistics can include date & time, location, response type and much more.

24 April 2023
QR Code Generation Is Now Built In

Create Tag Code specific QR Codes directly from the console and download as PNG or SVG files for web or print use.
When viewing stats, it will show in the 'Method' column whether it was a QR or NFC scan.

18 April 2023
Authentication NFC Starter Pack
Seritag's new authentication NFC starter pack allows you to test and develop how NTAG424 NFC products can work for your project. Choose between pre-encoded or no encoding.
12 April 2023
TapStart Integration Now Available On All Flex Plans.

TapStart is a feature that allows any unregistered user to modify the destination URL of a Tag Code. 
Create TapStart enabled tags and Control Codes directly from the console.

03 April 2023
Organisational Folders Now Added

New Organisational Folders are now available to use to help you organise your project better. 
These folders are optional and have no settings or features.

22 March 2023
Timezone Function Upgrade

Global timezone setting now sets all times across the account.

Any change to the time zone on this setting will apply to all previous dates stored (tags scans, created dates, etc) as well as all future dates and times.

13 March 2023
NFC Tamper Tags to Create Product Authenticity
NFC Tamper Tags are becoming an increasingly popular way of preventing counterfeit products and growing consumer confidence that a product is genuine.
09 March 2023
Authenticating Artwork with NFC
Read about our latest project with Mahajati and how they use NFC tags within their artwork pieces to verify them and provide a digital certificate of authenticity.
07 March 2023
New Lite Plan Launched!

Our ixkio Lite Plan is designed with our smaller clients in mind, tailored to help you get started with NFC tag management. Our Lite Plan is a simplified version of ixkio that includes the basic functions.
As your business flourishes, feel free to step up to our bigger Flex plans.

24 February 2023
Extended Data Now Available Via Subtags

Users can now add custom data associated with a tag dynamically into the Redirect or API Response.
There are over 25 different types of data that can be associated with a tag including Scan Count, Tag Group and Currency. 

13 February 2023
Traceback Renamed As CodeLink

We've renamed Traceback to CodeLink.
CodeLink powers the link between the ixkio platform and your existing website so you can use your existing platform to dynamically display serial numbers, descriptions, images and more.

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