
The right tag.

In the right product.

What is Assignment ?

The Summary
Assignment is the process of associating a pre-encoded NFC tag with a specific product line.
The Example
Imagine you have a reel of NFC tags prepared for integration into your products, neatly organised under a 'generic pool' Batch on ixkio. Now, you're introducing a new product, the yellow duck !
1. Create a new BatchYou create a new Batch on the ixkio console for your new yellow duck.
2. Add your tagsTake your pre-encoded* tags and add them to your new ducks.
3. Scan your tags Simply scan the tags with the ixkio mobile app to assign.
4. Release Ixkio both registers the tags as assigned and moves them to your new Batch.
* If your tags aren't pre-encoded, you can use our mobile app to both encode & assign non-authentication tags.
Tag ID
Assign Date

Effortlessly deploy any quantity of tags.

Experience scalable control with our assignment tools. Whether you operate as a small-scale craft manufacturer or a large-scale factory, ixkio assignment adapts and expands.

Multiple Assignment Users

Create multiple simultaneous users, each with ixkio mobile app assign permissions and then remotely control which products they are assigning to.

Manage Assignment Status

Keep track of which tags have been deployed with full console, file upload or management API integration.

Assignment Monitor

Follow realtime assignments across the platform with the Assignment Monitor. Track who's moving which tags where.

Assignment Rules

Create rules to manage how assigned/unassigned tags redirect. You can even dynamically include assignment status and dates in redirects or API response using our powerful Subtag system.